Executive Board Positions Up For Election

U.S. PDCA President

The President shall call meetings when and where deemed necessary, shall preside at all meetings and shall appoint committees and their chairpersons as he/she shall determine necessary from time to time.  The President of the Association may hold no other elected position during his/her term.  The President shall be elected/approved by the membership during the Summer Olympic years.

The President’s primary responsibilities are:

  • Call & Chair meetings
  • Fundraising
  • Hall of Fame
  • Ethics
  • Awards
  • Affiliates

U.S. PDCA Vice President of Membership

The Vice President – Membership of the Association shall conduct meetings in the absence of the President.  Together with the President, the Vice Presidents shall initiate and develop the Association’s programs as they relate to competitive diving coaches membership. The Vice President, Membership shall be elected/approved by the membership during the Summer Olympic years.

The VP of Membership’s primary responsibilities are:

  • Increase general membership
  • Develop, implement and continue benefits for the PDCA membership
  • Marketing
  • Social media
  • State and regional coordinators
  • Census of facility, boards, programs, coaches, divers and coach salaries
  • Diving, alumni outreach and integration

U.S. PDCA Vice President of Events

The Vice President – Events of the Association shall conduct all events for the Association.  The Vice President, Events shall be elected/approved by the membership during the Summer Olympic years.

The VP of Events’ primary responsibilities are:

  • Annual symposium
  • Skills competitions
  • Coach socials
  • Diving camps